I won't even waste any time...I GOT IN! I got my acceptance letter to Messiah College last Saturday and am SO excited about it. It just made all my apprehension and uncertainty disapper and I feel so good about this decision.
Now that that's out of the way and I don't have to wonder where i will be in the next year, I can move on to other things. I started work at the Children's Garden Daycare last monday which basically means my summer is over. Not in a totally bad way, but 40 hr. work weeks and getting up at 6 am pretty much erases the whole lazy day summer concept. But work i must, so i guess that is all there is to it.
However, unlike the past 3 summers I have spent working there, they are actually elevating me to "teacher" status, which means i can actually TEACH and not just be a glorified babysitter. I'm very excited about this summer because I'm in the preschool room with the 3 year olds. Funniest thing is that almost all of the children in my room I also had two years ago as 1 year olds when i worked in the younger toddler room....CRAAAZY! They are so grown up! I love seeing them and i can't wait to be one of their teachers. I also love the other teachers I work with. There are 4 of us altogether, two of which i've known since i started back in 2004 and a new girl, who just moved from Mississippi named Kem. She is the exact picture of a southern belle, and has the coolest accent. So i know it is definitely going to be fun having her. Overall I'm really excited about the summer.
Funny moment of my week: 4 year old Mara asks me if i would like some pretend "turkey breast soup"....she's smart if you didn't notice.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Stalking the Mailbox
I just got off the phone with the admissions office of Messiah College....they said they've made a "decision" and it's in the mail and should be here any day. AHH!!! I wish she could have just told me, but then i was too scared to ask for fear i didn't get in. I've been stalking the mail box for the last 20 minutes and nothing yet... Oh man this is harsh!
Meanwhile, i have kept myself busy this last week before i start work. My new favorite person is Glenn Beck. He is the radio/tv show program host on CNN who happens to be Mormon. Awesome individual. He just has a lot of good things to say, and is not afraid to say them. You all need to do yourself a favor and listen or watch him...you'll leave with a lot of enlightening thoughts. The best part about him is that he is not afraid to defend gospel principles and morals, which, lets face it, are almost completely gone in today's society. Go Glenn Beck!
Well, pray for me that i get in...I'm so nervous! Love you all.
Meanwhile, i have kept myself busy this last week before i start work. My new favorite person is Glenn Beck. He is the radio/tv show program host on CNN who happens to be Mormon. Awesome individual. He just has a lot of good things to say, and is not afraid to say them. You all need to do yourself a favor and listen or watch him...you'll leave with a lot of enlightening thoughts. The best part about him is that he is not afraid to defend gospel principles and morals, which, lets face it, are almost completely gone in today's society. Go Glenn Beck!
Well, pray for me that i get in...I'm so nervous! Love you all.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Schilling craziness...

Other than good times with the fam, i've been trying to fix up my bedroom so it's actually a cool, comfortable place to be. Mom painted my walls light purple, which seems to be my new favorite color, and i splurged on a pottery barn duvet cover that is purple, green, and yellow plaid. Love it! But i still have a lot of things to add...pictures, etc. I don't have all my stuff here yet so me and mom are taking a trip up to State College on Wednesday to get the rest of it.
Me and one of my best friends, Adrienne, went to see Georgia Rule on Saturday. She had some free movie passes, so we thought we give it a try. HORRIBLE MOVIE. Don't waste your money or your time in renting or watching it....it was so awful we left early....which i've never had to do before. It was a total rag on mormons, and the plot was...nonexistant, and it was wretchedly depressing. Bad flick. Lesson learned: there is a lot of crap in the movie world these days.
The Schilling residence has a little friend these days. The wreath next to our front door has welcomed a little bird...nest, eggs, and all. It's so random she decided to pick there as her spot, but whatever. I'm actually quite annoyed with the little bugger because i forget that she's there and every time i either leave or enter the house she flies at my head and scares the living daylights out of me. Consequently we've litterally been using the back door because we (mainly my dad who actually likes and wants to "protect" the bird) are afraid of her dive bombing us. Below is a picture i got one night. If you look real hard you can see her beaty little evil eyes....

Mmmm...sooo....Have a good one, ya'll. Eat your peas and carrots and enjoy the lazy days of summer. I start work in a week, so it's 7 days of enjoyment and then the whip cracks.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Done at Last
Today I took my very last final. It was undoubtedly the most difficult...isn't that how it always is though. It was my history final which meant the exam consisted entirely of writing. I filled up my ENTIRE blue book except for 2 pages....which means i wrote 14 pages worth of stuff. Crazy i know. Anyway, i feel it went pretty well.
Now on to the next task. Packing. I didn't realize i had so much stuff. Honestly where does it all come from?! Yesterday Erin and I went on campus to sell back my books.....that's 4 semesters worth because i'm a pack rat and didn't want to sell them because for some reason i feel i can't part. Erin got me over that though. You should have seen us...my entire backpack was stuffed and erin had a back filled and we both were carrying books....i think i had like 15 total. IT was nuts! Anyway, i got $200 for my books, which is a lot, but if you consider i probably spend $2000 on them to begin with it's pretty much pennies. But 200 bucks is 200 bucks....so i can't complain. I am just now coming to terms with the fact that Penn State enjoys ripping people off. I always knew this....but now i just accept it for what it is. It's not like i can do anything about it.
This is my last night at 936 Southgate. I think i'm going to miss it a little....I think that's just because i got so used to living here and it takes me awhile to get used to change, even though i'm going to be living at home, i'm still a bit apprehensive about how i'll do at Messiah College...if i get in that is.
It's Jim's Birthday today!!! Yeah baby!...the big 27....gettin' up there, eh Jim? Haha, just kidding, i love you even if you are beginning to be an old foagie. I've never spelled that word so i probably butchered it....but you know what i mean.:) Happy Birthday, Jim!
Cereal of the Day: Life (it's all i had)
Now on to the next task. Packing. I didn't realize i had so much stuff. Honestly where does it all come from?! Yesterday Erin and I went on campus to sell back my books.....that's 4 semesters worth because i'm a pack rat and didn't want to sell them because for some reason i feel i can't part. Erin got me over that though. You should have seen us...my entire backpack was stuffed and erin had a back filled and we both were carrying books....i think i had like 15 total. IT was nuts! Anyway, i got $200 for my books, which is a lot, but if you consider i probably spend $2000 on them to begin with it's pretty much pennies. But 200 bucks is 200 bucks....so i can't complain. I am just now coming to terms with the fact that Penn State enjoys ripping people off. I always knew this....but now i just accept it for what it is. It's not like i can do anything about it.
This is my last night at 936 Southgate. I think i'm going to miss it a little....I think that's just because i got so used to living here and it takes me awhile to get used to change, even though i'm going to be living at home, i'm still a bit apprehensive about how i'll do at Messiah College...if i get in that is.
It's Jim's Birthday today!!! Yeah baby!...the big 27....gettin' up there, eh Jim? Haha, just kidding, i love you even if you are beginning to be an old foagie. I've never spelled that word so i probably butchered it....but you know what i mean.:) Happy Birthday, Jim!
Cereal of the Day: Life (it's all i had)
Monday, May 7, 2007
I'm Baaaak!
Don't worry....i'm alive and well!!! Sorry for my neglegience in maintaining the old blog...the cooking show idea only worked for so long, then the 17.5 credit semester got in the way. Don't get me wrong, i still love food and cooking, but lately my culinary skills have mainly consisted of "things you can cook in a microwave." Sad, pathetic, and shameful...this i know. Once and awhile i'll break out the old chef hat, but that's few and far between these days.
This is finals week. Oh the joy and rapture that fills my heart when i hear that word...finals.... It's really quite a noxious tradition at all universities. I'm quite opposed to it, then again aren't we all? I should be studying for my english language analysis final at 7pm tonight, but i physically cannot coerce myself to do it yet. I took a statistics final this morning at 8am (which is totally wrong and cruel might i add) and that went so-so. I kept getting annoyed though because for 5 of them i had A, then the next 4 i would get B, and the cycle kept repeating itself.... I'm used to taking mult. choice exams that have answers as follows: A, B, D, A, E, B, A, D....all random, but THIS exam was the complete opposite. It made me feel like i was getting the answers wrong, because what professor makes an exam where 5 of the answers are a consecutive A??? AHHH!! It was really annoying. But i turned it in because i didn't care enought to mull over all the hidden psychology of why a professor would do it like that on purpose. Some things just aren't worth my time.
That means i have 1 down, 3 to go. Not the best forcast, but i have really no other choice but to take the finals. I'm hoping this will be my last semester at Penn State, and that i will get accepted to Messiah College. It's all up in the air right now.
Cereal of the Day: Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with Life (i only had a little bit of CTC left...so i frequently mix)
This is finals week. Oh the joy and rapture that fills my heart when i hear that word...finals.... It's really quite a noxious tradition at all universities. I'm quite opposed to it, then again aren't we all? I should be studying for my english language analysis final at 7pm tonight, but i physically cannot coerce myself to do it yet. I took a statistics final this morning at 8am (which is totally wrong and cruel might i add) and that went so-so. I kept getting annoyed though because for 5 of them i had A, then the next 4 i would get B, and the cycle kept repeating itself.... I'm used to taking mult. choice exams that have answers as follows: A, B, D, A, E, B, A, D....all random, but THIS exam was the complete opposite. It made me feel like i was getting the answers wrong, because what professor makes an exam where 5 of the answers are a consecutive A??? AHHH!! It was really annoying. But i turned it in because i didn't care enought to mull over all the hidden psychology of why a professor would do it like that on purpose. Some things just aren't worth my time.
That means i have 1 down, 3 to go. Not the best forcast, but i have really no other choice but to take the finals. I'm hoping this will be my last semester at Penn State, and that i will get accepted to Messiah College. It's all up in the air right now.
Cereal of the Day: Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with Life (i only had a little bit of CTC left...so i frequently mix)
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