Anyway, fall just makes me so grateful for such simple pleasures! Walking under this bridge starts off my day so well, and hopefully you can find your own "covered bridge" in your day!!!
Anyway, fall just makes me so grateful for such simple pleasures! Walking under this bridge starts off my day so well, and hopefully you can find your own "covered bridge" in your day!!!
I mean, come on, who doesn't like a good reality tv show about crazy selfish indulgent brides with over the top wedding budgets and $5,000 gowns??? It's GREAT!!! This show has been around for awhile, but I just started watching it again because it's on during my breaks between classes. And not only is it totally entertaining, it's somewhat practical...I'm getting some good ideas!
If you're a glutton for this kind of TV entertainment, tune in to the Style network from 11am-1pm...
Ok, seriously, I should get some sort of award for the advertisement I just gave for this show. And to think I did it for free, out of the goodness of my heart....(*cough cough style network*)
Well, here's for a short blog post. Until next time!