Thursday, December 13, 2007

21 years later...

So, today I turned the big 2-1. It's all very exciting, even though we had an ice storm and it was very very gross outside. But it's ok, i can look on the bright side! I'm now officially IN my twenties, which is just weird. I think i'll forever see myself as an awkward 14 year old...
Well I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of myself as a little diddle. They are funny and plus they give you a glimpse of how much i've grown! (I think i'm starting to sound like my grandmom...)

I think this picture was taken in Georgia, before we moved to PA. I was 3 i think... (how funny is Jimmy?! and bethie is doing her own thing as always and amber is so typically watching over me.)
This was one Christmas at Grandmom's house in of my favorite pictures of us four:
This is me and Amber in Georgia...She was like my second mommy...

So, happy day to me!:) Isn't it a shame how birthdays only last 24 hours? Boo to whoever came up with the birth-DAY... I think we should revise it to be birth-WEEK.

Any one in favor, say "I."