So, today I turned the big 2-1. It's all very exciting, even though we had an ice storm and it was very very gross outside. But it's ok, i can look on the bright side! I'm now officially IN my twenties, which is just weird. I think i'll forever see myself as an awkward 14 year old...
Well I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of myself as a little diddle. They are funny and plus they give you a glimpse of how much i've grown! (I think i'm starting to sound like my grandmom...)
I think this picture was taken in Georgia, before we moved to PA. I was 3 i think... (how funny is Jimmy?! and bethie is doing her own thing as always and amber is so typically watching over me.)

So, happy day to me!:) Isn't it a shame how birthdays only last 24 hours? Boo to whoever came up with the birth-DAY... I think we should revise it to be birth-WEEK.
Any one in favor, say "I."