This is a very exciting post, with some very exciting news. This week my parents told my sister Amber and I that for Amber's birthday this year (May 21st) they are sending us on a trip to Orlando, FL! This is where it pays to be besties with your sister because I was lucky enough to get to go with her. We'll be going from June 9-13th, so it's just sort of short and sweet but we are sooo excited. Talk about freaking-out-excited.:)
My mom actually told me before we told Amber. I suspected something was up when my mom started asking me very strange detailed questions about the month of June. It was harder than I thought to keep in a secret from Amber, because we are pretty much the same person in that we don't keep anything from each other. Well, I lasted a whole day and it was pure torture because I was so tempted to just blurt out, "We're going to ORLANDO FLORIDA!!!" Ultimately my parents decided to just tell Amber early so that way we could plan details and she could have some advanced notice for work, etc. I made her a little card that told her about the suprise vacay and then put it in an envelope and addressed it to her from a lady named "Penny Pinkerton." At dinner I said, "Oh, Am, I forgot...this card came in the mail for you today..." She was like, "Who the heck is Penny Pinkerton?" And we all acted like we didn't know what was going on. It took her reading through it like 3 times before she finally figured out what it was saying!!! She was totally shocked. It was a total hoot.:)
More to follow on details about our sweet florida tripie!