Ok, first and foremost, forgive me for being an uber sloth and ignoring my blog. I just feel like my life is not super interesting right now and so I have a hard time coming up with things to "blog" about. But, digging through some of my old mission videos, I thought to myself how funny this would be as a blog post. Here is some background...
Have you ever seen the cheese-tastic movie Free Willy? It's a total 90s classic. Well there is a scene at the very beginning when the main character (can't think of his name) is into trouble and he and his friends steel a cake from a bakery van and eat it with their bare hands in a skate park. Ever since I saw them dig into a cake with their bare hands I've wanted to do it myself. This is a dream I've had for like 10 years! There's just something about smushing your hands into a cake that seems so exhilirating to me... Well somehow my district found out about my secret desire to smush cake when I was on my mission, and so at a district meeting we got a bunch of cakes (a story in and of itself) and they let me smush the cake in my bare hands! The best part? They got it all on video. I was depressed when one day I realized I'd accidentally deleted the video from my camera. Luckily one of my companions still had it and she just recently sent it to me. So, without further ado....here's the infamous CAKE video: