Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I thought it was time to post some pictures of the little cherubs from summer preschool. I took these yesterday during nap while some of the kids were waking up. They all started coming over to me and saying..."Miss Megan take my picture!" It was too funny! They were so cute and love being in front of the cam.

This is Nickolaus...he's a devil, but such a handsome little man!

This is funny is his smile?!

Here are the three magpies. Keegan, Athena, and Erik. As a side note, Keegan and Athena told me yesterday they are boyfriend/girlfriend...too cute!

Slowly but surely I'm trying to get all of their pictures...there are 23 of the little rugrats so it could take awhile! But enjoy looking at these cute kids...i get a kick out of them everday.