Friday, August 31, 2007

I'm a falcon

Not literally of course, come on now.:) I'm a Messiah College falcon. I start classes on tuesday the 4th, and I think that pretty much means I'm no longer a nittany lion. I am ready for the change. The drive to campus is a whopping 3 minutes from the house (equates to about .75 miles) and that just makes me jump for joy because it used to take me 30 minutes start to finish at PSU. I'll tell you how it all goes.

So here's my funny (and slightly gross) story of the week. Wednesday was my last day of work, which was both sad and happy at the same time. Since all of the kids I taught over the summer moved up into Preschool 2 last week, we got the new batch of preschool 1 kids. This little girl Paige (very very adorable) has been having some issues with not making it to the potty on time and we all can fill in the lines as to what i mean here. Well about 5 minutes before I was about to leave on Weds. she says "Potty! Potty!" So I ran her to the bathroom and sat her on the potty. As I was standing there waiting for her to finish she pointed at the floor behind me and said, "Look at that." I looked down and to my horror was a pile of poop!!! I was so confused....whose poop was it?!? I ran out of the bathroom and told the other teachers that "someone pooped on the floor!" We all stood there really perplexed (and in silent laughter) until we finally figured out that it was Paige's poop! I guess it must have rolled out of her undies when I got her on the potty...and I didn't even notice it!!!!!! How funny and totally disturbing is that?! Oh man it was just plain flat hilarious, as you can imagine, and quite a way to end my last day of work. So, think of this story whenever you need a good laugh....I'm still laughing....2 days later!!!

And that, folks, is why I love 3-year-olds.

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