Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The worst profession...

The following is my rant against any individuals who are employed by the parking ticket industry:

Ok, first of all, I WAS NOT ILLEGALLY PARKED. Yesterday I went to the parking lot (of which i payed $30 to be there in the first place) and parked at the end of a row of cars in what I thought was a legitamite spot. The care in front of me was parked exactly the same way. There were even faint paint lines designating it to be a spot. After my class I came back out to my car and a stupid little ticket saying i've received a "parking citation" and that I need to go and get a copy of what i owe and contact the parking office.

So now it's MY problem to get the ticket? I THINK NOT! What a rip-off! Not to mention I did nothing to deserve this.

I have one word for you people at the "Dept. of Safety".....APPEAL!

That's right, I plan on sending them an appeal so I don't have to pay for this ridiculous ticket. Give me a physical break.

And that, my friends, is why anyone who is employed by the "dept. of safety"....primarily those who issue parking tickets.....should find a new profession.

can you say....L-A-M-E...???

1 comment:

Jim and Lisa said...

I always feel like I can never win with them!