Monday, January 28, 2008

There's no turning back

As many of you know I'm going on an 18month mission for my church in June. In preparation I had to fill out a lot of paper work, get a bunch of doctor's appointments, and interview with my Bishop and Stake President. Yesterday I had the interview with my Bishop, which went great. And, I also finished all of my portion of the paperwork, so I submitted it and now it's really REAL. This means the ball is officially rolling and i'll probably (hopefully) find out where they are sending me in a month or so.

It's really real. Crazy!

I'm sooo excited, though. Lately it seems as though each day is one day closer to me doing this. I am really looking forward to having the opportunity to serve the Lord. I think that although this experience will be extremely challenging in some aspects, it will ultimately help me to grow and lot. If there is one thing I've learned through this whole process it's that the Lord always knows what is best for us. Even when we have no idea how our lives will turn out, somehow He does. That is so comforting.

Yesterday I found out that the President of our church passed away. He was 97 years old. What an incredible man he was! I'm happy that he is now with his wife and that we had the privelege of being led by a truly inspired man. The song, "We Thank Thee, O God For a Prophet" seems to have even more significance now.