Just two days after my last post (Saturday) I got my call in the mail! Me and Amber were actually out at the mall and my mom frantically called us to tell us "you're packet is here!" So we pretty much rushed home to rip it open.:)
Drum role, please.....
OGDEN, Utah!!!

"I'm goin' to Ogden!" You know the movie Singles Ward...when Dallin opens his call and he gets sent to Boise?! And he's WAY excited but all of his friends feel sorry for him?! Haha...well, i must say, for me it was sort of the other way around. I was slightly shocked and disappointed to be going to UTAH (of all places!) but everyone else has been SO excited for me. I think I just needed to let it soak in a few days. I'm still sort of processing it, but I am getting more and more excited each time I think about it.
Plus, I also came to realize that it doesn't matter where you go. It's really just about humbling yourself and doing and going where the Lord has a purpose for you. I've felt that particularly strong.
I leave July 16, which is a month later than I thought, but I think it will be great to have some time off from school and just be with my family.
So, YAY OGDEN!:) Mom said she is going to frame the letter...haha!!!

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um...congratulations queen of ogden!! that is so cool!!
Woo hoo!
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