Friday, July 11, 2008

Farewell for 18 months!

This is my last blog post before I head out on my mission. In fact, tonight is the night that I get set apart as a missionary!!! SO insane. I can't wait, yet I'm filled with nerves, anxiousness, excitement, and just feeling overwhelmed by it all. How grateful I am for this amazing experience. I know I will be stretched and tried, but I also have faith that I will have many joyful moments. The best part is that I know that this is what the Lord wants me to do. I have faith that He knows what he's doing.

Tomorrow we fly out west and begin our "mini" vacation before I enter the MTC on July 16th. We are going to meet up with the couple that were instrumental in my parents becoming members of the church, and they've been close friends ever since. I'm excited to meet them. It's nice to know that they will be out there in Utah with me for the next year and a half of my mission.:)

So, my dear family and friends, I'll miss you all! Continue to be the amazing people that you are and continue to live and love life. I'll see you when I return.:)

God speed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from Utah! hey sister Schilling, I just wanted to post a comment for you so that you can look back at this day and remember a few things that you did. 3-25-09 well... I'm not too sure what you did this morning but early afternoon you and sister P. stopped by for a little visit! sigh... how I love our visits! anyway... I was trying my best to entertain Stockton while hard at work finding an outfit to wear to the relief society dinner, then there was a knock at the door it was my two favorite sisters! if you remember right i was hiding behind my baby because I wasn't wearing an undershirt. ahhhh! you thought it was funny, probably becasue everytime you come over i'm not totally dressed up! we talked about getting to know the lord better, praying and also we learned about your experience as a little girl losing her bow on picture day! -great times- we looked at my blog and also yours. today was the first time you had seen yours since you had left for your mission! you guys had to run becuase you had an appointment so off you went. later that evening 6:30 to be exact a few sisters in the henery point ward met for dinner... we had a mexican fiesta! YUMMY and much appreciated! there you have it... your day at least what I remember of it! we are getting together for a lesson tomorrow night. see ya there!