One of my last gen-ed classes that I'm taking this semester is actually turning out to be my favorite. It's called American Popular Music. Obviously my like towards it shouldn't come as a huge suprise seeing how I naturally love music anyway, but I'm learning a lot about music that I didn't know before. My prof is an amazing improv jazz pianist and we're lucky enough to have a baby grand piano in the classroom that we meet in...so as he's describing a certain principle he'll often just sit down on the piano and play a song for us...totally by ear! He's kind of a music genious.:) Anyway, taking this class has helped me sort of analyze why I like certain types of music and artists over others. One musician that I really love right now is Michael Buble. He's got that 50's throw-back voice that many have compared to Frank Sinatra. He can really sing. I've always loved that time period for it's music and Michael Buble is the modernized version. Love him.:) His newest album is quite good. It's called "Crazy Love." It still is a scoash weird for me to be able to listen to any music I want to because I have only been allowed to listen to church music for the last 18 months...but I really like his stuff and taking this class is teaching me to listen and recognize truly good music. Who would have guessed?! I guess gen-ed's are good for some things...
Just one more reason we are "Kindred Spirits!!!" I LOVE LOVE LOVE him!! Went to his concert a couple years ago and it was awesome! Hope all is well! Love Love Love you Too!
P.S. I swear I'm not some Blog Stalker Freak! I always seem to post a comment like 26 mins. after you post.....like I'm sitting waiting for you to write something! :) Just happened to get on the computer right now! :)
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